Friday, June 24, 2011

Empire of Ice Cream (Renga 2)

Protagonist: "Yes, thank you for being open with me. Honesty is really the only basis for friendship that I have found successful. Instead of unsuccessfully batting my way to the e-mail hall of fame, or fulfilling whatever other self-worthy work I put myself into," I offered my encounter, that I may personalize our mistake.

Woman: "What are you a cocknose? Who has a face that expands and contracts with the air," the woman on the sidewalk retorted.

Protagonist: "I, sir, am a plant. And I am not cocknosed, I have a cousin who's cocknosed and it is not funny," I apologized.

Man: "Come on, man, you know you look weird right now, let's just crawl under the clubcrawl rules," the Johnny said, twisting his face in an insidious smile.
Protagonist: "What are the clubcrawl rules?" I asked, innocently.

Man: "This is called the alley."

In the rushing next few minutes I hailed a cab and put my put-you-at-ease-demeanor on the seat. Beside me, adjacent my bench, sat a tall distinguished man, with a handlebar mustache. "Not single, are you?"

"No", I said, tucking my chin into the collar of my dress, which lay flush with the excess skin on my face. The sound from my voice rolled off my chest, and down my skirt.

And I moved, or the car moved. Or both moved? But I got that feeling. You know that reeeaaal eerie feeling you get when the people you were just thinking about are now suspect. They might not be real, see? Your hearing kinda steps back a couple of feet and your sight gets a little, almost unnoticeable, blur to it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Were those guys here? Who is Protagonist, or man, or woman? Never heard of them in my life. Getting out of the cab, that's when. And that's wh—And that, that's—

And that's when it happened. The whole world got brighter, the songs of the birds seemed to get louder, and the strides of everyone around me seemed to become bouncier and longer. My stalking walk turned into more of a lounging stalking walk, sort of like the transition from orange to red orange, but much less emotional. So maybe not like the transition from orange to red orange. Now that the sun was out, that much changed and that's about it. The couple had been walking faster than me and now I couldn't hear them, which was disappointing. All this "shit" I was hearing about, different from the shit that I knew about, was pretty fucking interesting, god damn it, so I ran to catch up. I stepped on a couple of ants and yelled really quietly, sort of like a whispered yell. But sound came out so it definitely wasn't a whisper, plus I hate whispering so if I had whispered I probably would lie about it and say that I hadn't, because I don't want to associate with whispering. But I also want to tell the truth because...well you know what they say. A little goes a long way. Soon as you step into the first white gets bigger, and bigger, and looms larger, and larger, until BANG! I had bumped into the young couple. Instantly the skinny, somewhat skanky girl, sort of like one of those ghetto girls with no manners, jumped on me and started pummeling me. The young man looked on, a little bemused, as if he was not at all annoyed or confused by the recent change of atmosphere. 

But I escape the beating, and to me I am not here, and to you—

So I saw a lot of people walking around today.  One of them looked angry but it turned out he was just walking to the store to get some eggs.  I saw this one young couple walking and talking about what seems to be a friend of theirs named Chiara.  It seems that Chiara had done something with "shit" towards the girl who was speaking.  Chiara seemed to have done some fucked up "shit", talked a lot of "shit" and the girl said that if Chiara didn't stop talking about this "shit", then "shit" would be go down the next time they met.  The young man told her that she did not have to fuck up Chiara's "shit" because he didn't hear about any shit the night that Chiara supposedly talked "shit" about her.  He said he was there the whole night with her and their friends and he knew nothing of any "shit" from that night.  He did, however, know that this other girl who had told her about how Chiara was seemingly trying to share or perhaps give "shit" to her always tells people that other people are trying to give away "shit" to others for no reason.  Nonetheless, the girl did not believe the young man and told him that she didn't care about that and that she didn't like Chiara anyway, and I assume that she didn't like the "shit" either.  They continued their walk and then it got warmer for the next few hours because the sun came out.  I like the sun.

The sun is like a gigantic warming machine, chilling the day out. Wayyy out.

Cigarettes didn’t relax me like I hoped they would. The streets were empty and glowing orange as I carelessly stumbled down the street, crunching dead grass under my bare feet, wandering in and out of people's front yards, occasionally stopping to stare into illuminated living rooms. I took another drag off the first cigarette I had ever lit, and waited for some kind of relief. My head was not light, my nerves were not calmed, I just had a bad taste in my mouth. I kept walking. Eventually the sun rose.

And before you knew it...

My cock slid easily between her butt cheeks. "Can you sit still?" I asked as I leaned over her right shoulder (she was moving back and forth and so was I--it wasn't working out. Something had to give.). It's weird to utter a normal kind of question while engaging in anal sex. My leg is jittery under my desk, I can't help it! Mr. Stanton's class is so boring! But my cock is kind of starting to feel ultra sensitive...But the whole class is looking at me like I'm in kindergarten but I'm really a teenager...Wait. What the hell just happened? Now I am about to cum and I'm sitting in the front row and everyone's staring at me. And I'm also 13 years old and having anal sex and what the fuck? That's disgusting. 

That's real. That's unreal. That's. That.

Renaud Grotzky
Jared Garfinkel
Lauren Villareal
Kevin Ralston
Farrell Mckenna 
Patrick Reynolds
Ryan Criswell  

(The names of other contributors have been removed due to political affiliations.)

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