Sunday, August 29, 2010

Err,uh, being?

I was bored, really, really bored, but is it better to be bored?

I decided to do an experiment, which I will now detail. So in the beginning, I made some planets and the universe. To further my research, I also made trees, and some other things which were different, but similar. It took me a day to do the universe(which was really a lot more than a day),a day to do some other things and still a few days to do more things. I say "other things" because the "things" are unimportant in this context. I speak not to tell you of these "things," but rather to speak of the things I made on the last metaphorical day of creation. Clear?(I'm moving on). I made humans. But you see, as a good scientist(and God, but don't flatter me to much right now), I decided to make each thing a bit different. So i'll first tell you my hypothesis(although I realize this isn't actually a hypothesis). First, and I have deviated quite a bit from the scientific method and the format of a typical lab report. My hypothesis, well err actually there wasn't really a "hypothesis" per se, but, uh, I guess I, uh, sort of, just decided to see if I could make something make itself stop existing via consciousness. Consciousness!An amazing idea, I had... Yeah, so that was the jist, but back to this more interesting matter of the "hypothesis." Well you see, I run into this really tough spot when I try to make hypotheses, because, err, well, how can I(a pretty good God you would normally think, if I hadn't asked you not to flatter me) create an educated guess? I already know everything that has happened and will happen, right? This basic fact has made "existence" obtrusively mundane.

So, I made humans and they eventually could create and destroy. I became intrigued with what happened(although I already, of course, err uh, knew what would happen). So the humans developed and they gradually became more efficient and useful. They came closer to knowing everything and being perfectly god-like. Their lives got more boring, but they had technology(should I be using the present tense? I should make a personalized tense just for the existences above existence). The technology becomes life, it will homogonize, as that is the most effiecient way of movement. The other things I made, just reproduced what I created and destroyed the things that weren't the things mentioned at the beginning of this now lengthy sentence(THINGS, THINGS, THINGS). The humans destroyed themselves with the creation of something... something... something, HA. Something I did not create. But wait, wait, wait, I'll take credit for this technology, because well the consciousness which directly created the crap, is something I made. I make all.

Unfortunately, as the societies of the humans progresses, they begin to create and destroy more things. I myself have come into their grips. They have created other gods, which they use to trade the technology, and they have invented some admittedly uh bett--err, different gods.Well, with this, I was, am, will be something other than existing and not existing, I guess.

Okay. Okay! I forsee my own non-existence,and well, I am a bit puzzled, because I don't know how I know that I will be non-existent, because I can't exist then(the point of nonexistence) to know it, and a God knows all so shouldn't be puzzled and the ----------------(infinity here).

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