Friday, February 25, 2011

Why I hate Poland

There are many reasons to hate Poland. I have chosen to dwell on merely two. The bountiful constraints of my life have left me in a position in which I am unable to express my opinions and feelings completely--it's a time constraint, not a constraint of expression. Folks, I assure you I have no problems with inability of expression.

1. Vaclav Havel.

According to Wikipedia and the vast body of general knowledge (increasing at at least a constant rate, sometimes increasing rate) that I possess, this man, who was commander-in-chief of this sad excuse for an encapsulation of borders from 1990-1995, helped Poland achieve a state of post-communism. Normally, I would say "'Nuff said", but this time I will be a little less brief. Get rid of communism? Why? Doesn't that mean Vaclav's an asshole? Doesn't care about the rights of workers and shit? Fuck that guy.

2. Biskupin.

This open-air museum is home to Poland's "most famous archeological find". Woop-de-doo! Who cares? It's a model of some little civilization that existed in that region from the Iron Age. If I ever wanted to get an extremely good bicep muscle workout, you know what I'd do? I'd purchase a plane ticket to Poland, pay for entry into the Biskupin, then let my hand do what it inevitably will do: suppress yawns. Thousands and thousands of yawns.

Don't even get me started about United Arab Emirates.

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